I myself for the whole 19 years of my existence haven't visited those much-talked-about vacation spots. Yup, not even once. Maybe now you're laughing thinking that I've missed more than half of my life, right? (Sorry naman! Hahaha.) ... Fast forward to the rotunda in Tagaytay past the long stretch of stalls offering almost all sorts of fruits and nuts to flower bouquets and bonsai plants, we encountered a tight convoy of Mazda 3 sedans with their hazard lights blinking. ...
NU SA SE RETAGA IN COLTU? LOR DIN CAMERA ROTUNDA SA PLANGA! NU! INTELEGETI odata pentru totdeauna, DACA SUNTETI EMOTIVI, NU o aratati! Tocmai asta mai inseamna a fi emotiv.. sa suferi in tine, sa tii in tine. ...